1、插入节点(插入子树),需调整节点后所有sort_no;2、删除节点(删除子树),需调整节点后所有sort_no;3、调整同级节点sub_sort,特别是调整level高的节点,几乎可影响到整棵树;--update T_TREE set sort_no = null;call UTIL_E2SAY.sortTree('T_TREE',1);
create or replace package UTIL_E2SAY is --对指定库表从某个id开始设置sort_no排序号 procedure sortTree(p_TabName in varchar2, p_StartId in number, p_SqlCondition in varchar2 default null); end;/create or replace package body UTIL_E2SAY is procedure sortTree(p_TabName in varchar2, p_StartId in number, p_SqlCondition in varchar2 default null) is type t_Tab is table of number index by binary_integer; type t_Cur is ref cursor; m_SqlCondition varchar2(2000) := ''; m_SqlConditionWhere varchar2(2000) := ''; m_SortNo number(6) := 0; m_ParentIdTab t_Tab; v_NumCur t_Cur; v_Id number; procedure sortChild(p_StartId in number) is v_IdCur t_Cur; begin execute immediate 'update '||p_TabName||' set sort_no = :sort_no where id = :id'||m_SqlCondition using m_SortNo, p_StartId; m_SortNo := m_SortNo + 1; if m_ParentIdTab.exists(p_StartId) then open v_IdCur for 'select id' || ' from ' || p_TabName || ' where pid = :pid' || m_SqlCondition || ' order by sub_sort' using p_StartId; loop fetch v_IdCur into v_Id; exit when v_IdCur%notfound; sortChild(v_Id); end loop; close v_IdCur; end if; end sortChild; begin if p_SqlCondition is not null then m_SqlCondition := ' and ' || p_SqlCondition; m_SqlConditionWhere := ' where ' || p_SqlCondition; end if; open v_NumCur for 'select sort_no from '||p_TabName||' where id = :id'||m_SqlCondition using p_StartId; fetch v_NumCur into m_SortNo; close v_NumCur; if m_SortNo = 0 or m_SortNo is null then m_SortNo := 1; end if; open v_NumCur for 'select distinct pid from '||p_TabName||m_SqlConditionWhere; loop fetch v_NumCur into v_Id; exit when v_NumCur%notfound; m_ParentIdTab(v_Id) := 1; end loop; close v_NumCur; sortChild(p_StartId); end; end;/